Recognizing God’s active involvement in your life every day.

Description of Play


True! Life! Game is a card game where up to five ordinary everyday people get together and tell about their

recently answered prayers,

opportunities that have opened up for them,

accidents that almost happened to them but didn’t,

problems that God’s Word has helped them solve…

just any of the little and big things that happen everyday that we sometimes forget to recognize are things the Lord is doing for us just because He loves us and is actually present and active in our lives every day.

The game uses cards to prompt players to remember and tell about these different kinds of recent personal experiences they have had with the Lord.

There are two versions of the game, Single-Card and Full-Deck. Both versions use the same game cards. 

  • The Single-Card version is completely “player’s choice” and can be played by one person alone or by up to five people in a group. 
  • The Full-Deck version includes an element of chance in what each player will be directed to tell about and should be played by three to five people in a group.

A game usually lasts from sixty to ninety minutes, depending on the number of players in the group. 


Single Card Full Deck
  • One each of the 13 instruction cards
  • One Card Instructions sheet
  • Three each of the 13 instruction cards
  • 10 “Player’s Choice” cards
  • 10 “Pass” cards
  • 10 Card Instructions sheets
  • One Game Instructions sheet that includes descriptions of variations of “ways to play”
Number of players 1 – 5 3 – 5
Order of play Players choose the three cards that they want to play Players must play the cards they draw from a face-down deck or cards that are dealt to them


The Card Instructions are as follows:

He Answers

Tell how a recent answered prayer showed you that the Lord is listening to you and is active in your life for your good.

Pilgrim’s Progress

Tell about something you do regularly to keep yourself enjoying and growing in your everyday relationship with the Lord.

Sweet Somethings

Tell about a recent moment or experience – no matter how small — that struck you as a sweet personal touch from Jesus.

A Sign For Good

Tell about some recent “good news” or “sign of progress” that you recognized as the Lord saying “You’re on the right track, keep going” concerning a challenge you’re experiencing in your own life right now.

Bible Verse – This Week

Read or quote a verse from your Bible reading this week that you recognized as the Lord speaking personally to you right then.

Bible Verse – Lifetime

Read or quote a Bible verse that you often use to remind yourself that the Lord is present and active to help you all the time.

Living and Active

Tell about a time that you handled a difficult situation according to God’s Word and found out that the Word is indeed living and active in your life.

The Song In My Heart

Recite or sing the lyrics of any spiritual or secular song that blesses you whenever you sing it or hear it the Lord brings it to your mind.

What’s In A Name?

Tell how the Lord showed Himself to you recently as any one of the following of His many Names:

Jehovah Jireh            The Lord My Provider (Gen 22:14)

Jehovah Rapha         The Lord My Healer (Ex 15:26)

Jehovah Shalom        The Lord My Peace (Jud 6:24)

Glory Road

Tell about an on-going challenge in your life right now and how staying conscious of the Lord’s presence with you as you’re walking down that road is “growing you in glory” in some way.

Lord, Where Are YOU In This?

Tell about something good or bad that happened to you recently that caused you to ask “Lord, where are YOU in this?” and tell the answer that the Holy Spirit you.

Memory Lane

Tell about a special time you once had with the Lord that still “touches your heart” whenever you remember it.

Report of the Lord

Tell about some unwelcome “news” you recently received and tell the Bible story or verse the Lord brought to your mind as His report for your victory over that “news.”